Monday, August 18, 2008

Camping for the Bow Hunt

It's hunting season again and once again opening morning was unsuccessful. Kyle hunts mussle loader but my brothers in law both bow hunt, so we all went camping with them. We camped up Huntington Canyon and boy was the weather great! The kids had a ball playing with their dump trucks in the dirt and us girls enjoyed relaxing my the camp fire. Within the first 10 minutes of camping, Kade was covered in dirt from head to toe and he stayed that way the entire weekend. I can't wait for Kyle's big hunt so that we can go camping one last time before we have to pack things away for winter. Here Kade comes racing down the road with his dump truck
The kids played with their dump trucks all day long. Dad and Tyce

Chase and Kade rolling in the dirt.


Mindy said...

Those two are all boy!! You guys have camped a ton this summer, I bet you are bummed that its coming to a close soon. When does school start back up?

Anonymous said...

Oh to be a boy!!! It totally doesn't even matter if you are covered in dirt for days, that is a boys job...How fun. Looks like they had a blast...wish we camped more!

The Cox Family said...

It is crazy that summer is almost over huh? I am glad that you guys are getting in a few more camping trips though and that the boys are having a blast!

Farley's Story said...

You've got to love hunting season!! Kade knows what it means to camp, "Get as dirty as I can"!! Are you excited to go back to teaching? I am excited for Dwain to start kindergarten. He is also excited. Good luck with hunting!!