Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day Larsen Style

Valentines Day was really fun this year. It started out like any usual valentines day like the heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and the exchange of cute little valentines, but the best part about valentines day this year was our little picnic out on the desert.

It was such a nice day that we decided to take a hot dog (of course) out on the desert and have a little picnic and to also check on the cows. The cows are starting to calve and we already had one little calf freeze to death so we needed to get out their and check to make sure all our ladies were okay.

Here is Kade posing with his robot valentines box. He had so much fun making him and picking out just the right accessories.
Tyce didn't care too much about his robot so I did most of the work. That's okay, he thought it looked pretty cool.

Our little picnic on the desert

My Valentine

Here are a few of the cows we saw, no calves though....maybe soon!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Anniversary

On Feb.15th, Kyle and I will have been married for 8 years. It doesn't seem like that long, but at the same time....I don't remember life without Kyle.

Kyle has a really weird work schedule, so because he doesn't have a weekend off for awhile, we celebrated our anniversary this past weekend. We had SO much fun just being with each other without any kids. We went to the Cheesecake Factory in Salt Lake and of course AA Calisters. We made our way up north shopping along the way and ended up in Brigham City for a yummy dinner at Maddox. We stayed in Brigham city and then the next day we spent a few hours at Smith and Edwards (which is the greatest store ever) and then we came home. It sounds really plain and simple, but it is just what we needed.....a day away from dirty diapers, dirty laundry, dirty dishes, and Tyce peeing everywhere BUT the potty.

Kyle, I love you so much! You are the best guy in the whole world and I am very lucky to have you in my life. You are the best dad ever and my best friend. I love spending time with you and I am thankful everyday for our eternal marriage. LOVE YOU BABE!!