Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Jess....gotta love spending it in the hospital!

I know....how could a baby this adorable have anything wrong with him! Well after months and months we finally figured out the the continuous pneumonia and coughing is because he aspirates almost everything he eats...crazy huh! This past Thursday Jess had a swallow study done and they feed him super thick pudding and watched as it went down on x-ray. Well lets just say not very much of the pudding went to his stomach, most of it went straight to his lungs. Primary Children's immediately admitted us and placed a feeding tube. Yesterday we took him back to Primary Children's for a bronchi scope, a laryngeal scope, and a gelfoam injection. He is doing pretty well today if he would just stop pulling the feeding tube out. The tube has to stay in for the next two weeks and then we will do another swallow study to see if the gelfoam injection helped. Staying at Primary Children's makes you feel so blessed to have such a healthy and happy baby.

Jess was admitted to Primary Children's on his birthday (which I was afraid of) so we made sure to celebrate a few days earlier. We had Jess a swimming party in our backyard and it was so fun. Here is the big 1 year old with his octopus cake.

Kade on the racing slip and slide
and the water slide

Jess preferred the kiddy pool

Tyce liked the treats

Opening presents

Best of all.....aspirating his birthday cake!

While we were at the hospital with Jess, my awesome mom and sisters took Kade and Tyce camping with them. After Jess was discharged, we were able to go and spend the day as well. Here are the kids coming back from a hike up Horse Canyon.

Shooting their bow's

Jess was glad to be out of the hospital and enjoying the fresh air

Kade has been really working on "beefiing" up his muscles. He does his exercises everyday to get them strong...it is pretty hilarious. Anyway, he decided it was time to show them off to everyone so Tyce joined in.

The kids also had fun shooting BB guns. I am not too sure about that.

A few weeks ago was the Emery County Fair. I wasn't super impressed this year, but here were a few highlights.

The bungee jump was pretty cool

Scales and Tails came and did a little show. The reptiles were awesome!

Kade loved the snakes...and yes that is a HUGE anaconda in the background.

This summer has been super hard with Jess being sick. I am just so thankful for my mom and sisters for all of their help with my kids. I don't know what I would have done without them.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Joes Valley,Rodeo, Grandpa's B-day, Riding Bikes

My Grandpa Hansen is seriously one of the greatest people I know and I just love him to death. He is so much fun to be around and he adores my boys. For my grandpa's 83rd birthday we had a little get together at my moms and it turned out great. Almost everyone was there so we all got together for a big family photo. Here are all of my Grandpa Hansen's grandkids. Pretty fun crowd!

While us adults enjoyed a yummy dinner, the kids had a ball swimming in the pool and racing on the slip and slide. Jess didn't love the water, but loved the attention he was getting. Isn't he so dang cute?

Kade and Tyce having a little race

My boys are quite the little bike riders. Kade rides his bike EVERYWHERE. He is so good on it and he impresses me everyday. There other day we went up to the bike jumps for a little fun.

About 3 months ago Tyce decided on his own to ditch the training wheels. He got on his bike and took off without any help. May I remind you that he is 3 and now rides the bike tracks and does tricks at the elementary on his bike. He is so awesome!

Going to the rodeo means so much more to me than just a few hours of entertainment. The rodeo is magical to me. It brings back so many memories of my dad up in that announcers stand or imagining him riding one of those crazy mean bulls.... it makes me smile. My dad was home at the rodeo and that is kind of the way I feel.

Here are me and my cowboys at the Desertview Pro Rodeo

Playing in the water is a must for my boys. Today we drove by this river and had to go and jump in. We didn't have much time so are are so going back tomorrow for a full on dip.

This is a cute picture of Kade, Abby, and Tyce when we went to Joes Valley to play around. It was such a cool little tree...and it made a cute pic.