Saturday, August 28, 2010

10 days old

Jess is now 10 days old and is doing great! He is the best baby ever. We went to the cardiologist on Tuesday and the ECHO showed a small hole in the muscle of his heart which should just grow in as he gets bigger.
We all just think that he is the greatest thing on earth and are so happy that he is perfectly healthy!

Here is a picture of Jess and Bodee (Bodee is 5 months old) what a difference a few months makes huh!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The BIG Hunt

Last night Kyle got Kade all dressed up to go hunting with him at the farm. I knew that Kyle was just getting Kade out of the house, what I didn't expect is a phone call saying that they actually shot one.

Now what is SO SO SO cool about them shooting a deer is 1) it was opening day, 2) Kade was actually with Kyle and was able to see his dad shoot and then they had to track the blood (way cool for Kade), and 3) Kyle shot the deer with a re-curve bow. Most people shoot their deer with a compound bow......not Kyle. He was determined to use a tradition bow this year and so he was pumped when he actually succeeded. A traditional bow is just like it sounds. A piece of wood with a string.....that's it.

I am so proud of my mighty hunters.

Ready for the big hunt. Face paint and all!

The prize.....a small 3x4 buck. Not too bad for the farm!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jess Kent Larsen

Now that we are finally home and getting things situated, I thought sit down and show you all how cute my little cowboy is and fill you in on the "delivery story".

I had a routine appointment with my OB on Tuesday the 17th. So after Kyle got off of work we headed to Payson. The Doc checked me and I was dilated to a 2 so he sent me on my way with an date for induction...the 25th. Well as soon as I got back out to the truck I started having some intense contractions every 4 minutes. The contractions continued through dinner so I told Kyle that I just needed to go walk around for a minute before we headed back down the canyon. The closest place was Home Depot so we walked down the isles. I was miserable, but I didn't dare go back to the Dr. I told Kyle that we should just head home and that the contractions would just go away. When we pulled into Price I told Kyle that we probably should head back to Payson. Kyle stopped at the gas station, filled up and then we headed back through the canyon. When I got to the hospital (at about 11:30am), my contractions were about every 3 minutes. After watching me for about an hour, the nurse said that I needed to stay and have my baby. I got my epidural at about 3:30am and at 7:00am the Dr. broke my water. Jess was born quickly after at 7:58am with only 1 small 5 second push.

He has had a few minor problems since he has been born. He failed his hearing screen (which they said is common) and he has a heart murmur. Today we had an EKG done and he will have to see a cardiologist next week. Other than that he is perfect.

My cute little cowboy
All tuckered out

Yeah....we finally get to go home!
My friend Lindsay stopped by when we got home and gave the boys these WAY cute shirts. The baby got one too that says "little brother" (a pic will be coming soon with them all in their shirts). Thanks Lindsay!
Kade loves him already! He is going to be a great helper.....Tyce, I'm not so sure!
SO cute!
Here he is getting his EKG. He was such a good little sport today!
I am so excited that he is finally here. I can't image life without him already. I am the luckiest mom in the world to have 3 of the cutest little boys ever!
Oh...funny story: So my mom watch Kade and Tyce while we were at the hospital. Anyway, the neighbor lady asked Tyce if he got a new baby brother and Tyce said "yeah we got him at the fair". Funny kid!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

He's Here!

This morning we welcomed our new little cowboy to the world and he is ADORABLE. He was born at 7:58am and he weighed in at 7lbs 15oz (which I thought was quite large for being 2 1/2 weeks early). He was 20 in long and he has lots of blond hair. Now if we only had a name!
When I get home from the hospital, I will fill you all in on a name and details!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

a nice little ride....

Yesterday after work, Kyle took the boys on a little horse ride at the farm. They looked so cute and had so much fun....I just couldn't resist taking pictures.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Splash Park

Today we took the kiddo's to the splash park in Huntington and the kids absolutely LOVED it. This is the first time that I have been to the park where it actually worked so we were way excited. I will definitely be bringing my kids back soon.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Emery County Fair

We really had a lot of fun at the fair this year. I actually can't believe that it has come and gone so fast. Here are some of the things that we did.

First we attended the Desertview Pro Rodeo. It was as great as usual except we were missing the clown. I thought it was odd to have a rodeo without a clown, but it wasn't until later that I found out that on his way here, the clown received a DUI and was put in jail....funny huh!

My cute family

We also spent a lot of time at the fair. The boys showed off their 4-H exhibits to grandma and dad, Kade got his face painted, and they both had a blast on the carnival rides. We watched the magic show, played on the bouncy toys, and we laughed at the Hypno Hick.

A really cool event was the dutch oven cook off. Kyle decided to enter and he ended up winning the whole thing. He won $50.00 and a new dutch oven cooking set. We were really proud of him.

The parade was also a hit. Kade again loaded up on the treats and Tyce just sat and ate them.
Best pals
Kade and his hero: Devin
Finally, during the fair this year was my 10 year high school reunion. It was held at the aquatics center so Kyle swam with the boys while I visited with friends. There wasn't a great turnout, but it was still fun seeing everyone.

Me and by BFF Heather

Kyle was so great to get in the pool with the kids. I wasn't about to put a swimming suit on at this point in my pregnancy....especially in front of my high school friends.

The fair is over and now the next big event is coming soon......BABY #3 in 2 1/2 weeks. Yeah!