Friday, August 6, 2010

Emery County Fair

We really had a lot of fun at the fair this year. I actually can't believe that it has come and gone so fast. Here are some of the things that we did.

First we attended the Desertview Pro Rodeo. It was as great as usual except we were missing the clown. I thought it was odd to have a rodeo without a clown, but it wasn't until later that I found out that on his way here, the clown received a DUI and was put in jail....funny huh!

My cute family

We also spent a lot of time at the fair. The boys showed off their 4-H exhibits to grandma and dad, Kade got his face painted, and they both had a blast on the carnival rides. We watched the magic show, played on the bouncy toys, and we laughed at the Hypno Hick.

A really cool event was the dutch oven cook off. Kyle decided to enter and he ended up winning the whole thing. He won $50.00 and a new dutch oven cooking set. We were really proud of him.

The parade was also a hit. Kade again loaded up on the treats and Tyce just sat and ate them.
Best pals
Kade and his hero: Devin
Finally, during the fair this year was my 10 year high school reunion. It was held at the aquatics center so Kyle swam with the boys while I visited with friends. There wasn't a great turnout, but it was still fun seeing everyone.

Me and by BFF Heather

Kyle was so great to get in the pool with the kids. I wasn't about to put a swimming suit on at this point in my pregnancy....especially in front of my high school friends.

The fair is over and now the next big event is coming soon......BABY #3 in 2 1/2 weeks. Yeah!


Mindy said...

I am cracking up about the clown!! Looks like a fun time! I love county fairs!

Wades said...

so sad that we didn't see you at the reunion dinner saturday night! sounds like you guys had a great time at the fair!

Anonymous said...

ahhhh the count down begins!!! I love that last picture in the pool how cute! Sounds like a fun week. WE enjoyed the fair...the first day! 2 days of fair excitement was a little much for me! good thing we didn't have any Holy Hail!!! ha!

The Cox Family said...

Sounds like you have been just as busy as we have. Summer days in small towns are crazy-always something going on! I had to laugh at the clown story though. I wonder if it is the same clown that came to our rodeo? I totally can't believe that you are so close to delivering! I can't wait to see this new little guy. Oh and your nursery is so dang cute! Good luck with everything!

The Bunnell's said...

I was wondering too why there was no clown~that is too funny. It was so good seeing you at the reunion, I wish that we could have visited more. Kyle is a tropper getting in the pool. My poor kids didn't get to swim because I was not about to get in a swim suite either :) We missed you at the dinner! Good Luck on the last few weeks, I am so excited for you!