Friday, August 20, 2010

Jess Kent Larsen

Now that we are finally home and getting things situated, I thought sit down and show you all how cute my little cowboy is and fill you in on the "delivery story".

I had a routine appointment with my OB on Tuesday the 17th. So after Kyle got off of work we headed to Payson. The Doc checked me and I was dilated to a 2 so he sent me on my way with an date for induction...the 25th. Well as soon as I got back out to the truck I started having some intense contractions every 4 minutes. The contractions continued through dinner so I told Kyle that I just needed to go walk around for a minute before we headed back down the canyon. The closest place was Home Depot so we walked down the isles. I was miserable, but I didn't dare go back to the Dr. I told Kyle that we should just head home and that the contractions would just go away. When we pulled into Price I told Kyle that we probably should head back to Payson. Kyle stopped at the gas station, filled up and then we headed back through the canyon. When I got to the hospital (at about 11:30am), my contractions were about every 3 minutes. After watching me for about an hour, the nurse said that I needed to stay and have my baby. I got my epidural at about 3:30am and at 7:00am the Dr. broke my water. Jess was born quickly after at 7:58am with only 1 small 5 second push.

He has had a few minor problems since he has been born. He failed his hearing screen (which they said is common) and he has a heart murmur. Today we had an EKG done and he will have to see a cardiologist next week. Other than that he is perfect.

My cute little cowboy
All tuckered out

Yeah....we finally get to go home!
My friend Lindsay stopped by when we got home and gave the boys these WAY cute shirts. The baby got one too that says "little brother" (a pic will be coming soon with them all in their shirts). Thanks Lindsay!
Kade loves him already! He is going to be a great helper.....Tyce, I'm not so sure!
SO cute!
Here he is getting his EKG. He was such a good little sport today!
I am so excited that he is finally here. I can't image life without him already. I am the luckiest mom in the world to have 3 of the cutest little boys ever!
Oh...funny story: So my mom watch Kade and Tyce while we were at the hospital. Anyway, the neighbor lady asked Tyce if he got a new baby brother and Tyce said "yeah we got him at the fair". Funny kid!


AngiDe said...

That picture of you kissing him is gorgeous! Congrat's on the new addition! And glad to hear that you are doing well!


Anthony and Christel said...

Such a sweet baby! I think that he looks a lot like Tyce! P.S. I hope that everything turns out good with his heart murmur, keep us updated!! :)stauct

Natasha said...

I am laughing that you didn't dare go back to the doctor after your contractions had started. I can totally see myself doing that. Too bad you drove all the way home before you decided it was time to go to the hospital! I'm so glad you had such a smooth delivery! He is perfect. I think all of my kids 'failed' the hearing screening. We just took them back a couple of weeks later after all the fluid had flushed out and they passed fine. Good luck to your family as you all adjust to Jess!

Anonymous said...

Jana, he is darling...Can't believe he is here already! What a funny Story! I love that you drove all the way back to price and back...oh the joys of having a baby on the other side of the mountain! Guess What...We are having a boy too!!! Good luck with everything!!!

Wades said...

oh he is just tooo cute! i could just eat him up!

Brandy Anderson said...

Congrats Jana! So happy for you guys. If only it was as easy as picking one up at the fair.

The Bunnell's said...

Wow, what fair did you guys go too! lol Too Funny! I absolutely LOVE the picture of you kissing him- it brought tears to my eyes. He looks so perfect and so handsome. Congratulations!!!

The Cox Family said...

Oh Jana, he is so handsome! I can't believe how fast you went. When the doctor checked you, he must have gotten things started. Sorry that you had to drive all that time while having contractions. Don't worry about his hearing. Tons of kids don't pass right after they are born. He will be fine. Most murmurs go away as well. Keep us updated though! Congrats again!