Monday, May 31, 2010

What a weekend!

We had such a fun busy weekend. It all started with a schools out party in St. George. We played laser tag, swam at the motel, and then played at the Sand Hollow State Park.
Kade thought that Laser tag was pretty cool....Tyce HATED it.
Sand Hollow

Next we branded our calves. Everyone showed up to help and we were so thankful, we couldn't have done it without them.

Kade wanted to be in charge of the ear tags, but he got tired of that quick and just went and played by the canal with his cousins.

Grandpa Jay's little buckaroo's.

He would have been proud of their hard work.

Now that Memorial weekend is over, summer officially starts. I have some fun activities planned and I can't wait to get them started.

1 comment:

The Bunnell's said...

What a fun and busy weekend. What a great idea to have a schools out party. You are such a fun mom.