Yesterday Kyle had his back operated on and he is doing really well. He had a ruptured disk which was cutting off a few of the nerves to his legs. The Dr. went in and took out 80% of the disk and then make a better pathway for the nerve. While in there, the Dr. found a few more problems so while trying to fix those, he poked the spinal sack. Because this happened, Kyle had to lay flat on his back for 6 hours....and it was A LONG 6 hours. We were at the surgical center for about 11 hours is all, and then we were able to come home.
Kyle is doing pretty good, he is really sore and can't really get around much, but at least we are on the road to recovery.
I hope it doesn't take too long for him to start feeling better! We are sure glad Tyce and Kade got to come over with Grandma. Chase LOVES them!!!
I hope that he has a quick recovery. I am glad that all went well.
Oh man poor guy! Good luck with recovery! Im glad you had a great birthday! Mmmmm ice cream cake!!
Kyle having surgery and you are having a baby boy.... I have missed out on so much! I hope that he recovers well and that you have a great pregnancy. It will be nice to have summer off!!!
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