Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh the life of a farmer!

Can I just tell you that I am SO tired of all the snow. Because of the snow, Kyle had to go down to the desert every day this week to gather the cows. It has been a long time since we have had to bring cows home due to snow. You see, we pretty much graze our cows 365 days a year, so the hay that we put up feeds the horses and bull through the winter and it leaves just enough to feed the cows when they are home between the desert and mountain. When they come home in the middle of winter, that means we have to buy hay! Yuck!
Kyle said that while pushing the cows home, their bellies were dragging in the snow. Poor things! Hopefully the snow will melt soon so that the cows can get back to the desert and throw some healthy calves.

Yesterday after the guys had pushed the cows across the desert (it took them three days in the snow), me and my boys rode down to pick them up. Kade had a ball playing in the deep snow and Tyce was so excited to see his daddy pushing those cows up the hill. It was so funny, as soon as Tyce saw the cows he started yelling "YAW YAW". He is going to make a great cowboy someday.

We are still out about 5 head, so we will have to make another ride soon, but hey that's THE LIFE OF A FARMER!


Anonymous said...

Yaw Yaw that is adorable. You are the perfect farmers wife...way to be girl!

Jamie said...

If you need any help let us know. James could ride down one weekend and help Kyle.