Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ice Fishing

Yesterday we all took off to Millsite to do a little ice fishing. The weather wasn't too cold and even though NONE of us caught any fish, we have fun visiting while the kids played on the ice.
After fishing we went to see my uncle Ben. A few weeks ago while at work in the mine, he slipped and the shield cut all his toes off on his left foot. Anyway, despite what has happened to him, he is in really good spirits. I think that it is going to be a long road to recovery, so we wish him the best.


AngiDe said...

man, people are ice fishing all over the lake by us... you people are nuts ;)


Natasha said...

Jana=toughest woman I know. Remind me why you would want to ice fish? Regardless I am glad you had a good time. And I'm glad Kyle doesn't work in the mine anymore! Too dangerous!

The Cox Family said...

That is too bad that you didn't catch anything, but at least you all had fun and didn't freeze to death!