Friday, August 28, 2009

Softball, School, and Girls Weekend

I just had to post a picture of my softball team because we ended up taking 2nd in the entire league. It was awesome! No one expected us to do well at when we made it to the championship game, we thought that we were BAD A@#!! I was quite the hitter this Happy Gilmore swing was lethal. Too bad I SUCKED at fielding the ball.
Don't look too close, but I think I am one of the oldest girls on the team..ekkk!

The weekend before school started us girls decided to get out of town for a well deserved shopping trip. We went to St. George and had so much fun just being away from our kids.

Jamie, Mom, and Jasa on the way up

School started this week but not classwork. We checked in on Monday and got our classrooms ready (mine is literally BRIGHT purple) and then on Tuesday we took a group of 7th and 8th graders up to Boondocks for some team building and some fun. My favorite part about boondocks was the 4D theater. The roller coaster ride kicked butt. It was fun to hang out with the students and even better laughing til we were crying on the bus ride home. Some of us teachers sat at the front and who new our principle was so hilarious! Actual classwork starts on Monday... I am excited for it to begin. I am not teaching P.E. this year, so it is going to be weird wearing regular clothes to school. I have always wore my p.e. clothes and my whistle. I will let you know how it goes.

Don't you all wish that Mrs. Larsen was your health teacher?

My cool group (if you can consider 8th graders cool)


Brianne and Paul said...

Hey Jana, you are definately not the oldest on the team. Softball was lots of fun this year. Would you mind sending me a copy of the picture. My email is

things we love... said...

You are so cute! I totally wish that I could play softball, but I really CAN"'T!!!! That looks like so much fun!!! What a fun trip!!!! Wait that is actually a vacation, especially when no kids are involved, hahaha!! Good luck at school this year!!!!