Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

Today we thought that it was time to get the 4-wheelers out and go for a sunday afternoon ride. All of our hubby's had work and school stuff so us mom's took charge. We went down to Fullers Bottom to check on the cows and to see if we had any baby calves (which we didn't). After the ride, we stopped back at the truck for a hotdog and marshmellow roast. What a fun day! It was a little chilly, but nothing to complain about.

Kade and his new Red helmet

My little off roader's

Man, I look good don't I! (i shouldn't be allowed in pictures)

Playing in the dirt


Anonymous said...

I think you look cute...just the way you should look when "you" take the kids on a 4 wheeler are way more of a woman than I ever will be...I will forever look up to you!

Mindy said...

You are such a fun mom! Looks like a great time!! Oh, and we didnt find out, so we are being surprised.

The Cox Family said...

You go girl! It is one thing to just take the 4-wheelers out, but to take the 4-wheelers and the kids, that is a different story! Glad you all had fun.
Also, I just wanted to wish you a late Happy Anniversary! Every Valentine's day I always think of you two. Your get-a-way looked like a blast!

AngiDe said...

Seriously, I love fore wheelers (is that how you spell that?)I'd die to own some one day....
Anyway, what a fun life you guys have out there.... so jealous!