Monday, November 3, 2008

Herding the Cows down to the Desert

Can I just say that I LOVE this time of year. I love herding the cows down on the desert, it is so much fun. My dad used to tell us all kinds of stories about his rides on the desert, and I think that is why I love it so much. Last year I was unable to attend the ride because I was 8 months pregnant with Tyce. This is the first trip that I have been on since my dad died. It made me miss him so much! I remembered all of the great times we had out on the desert like camping, swimming in hidden holes, and chasing wild burrows.
I am sure that my dad was along for the ride today and that made it even better.

So we start at the farm, and we take the cows on a 6 hour trek across the desert were they stay for the winter. Then about every two weeks we go and check on them to make sure that they are getting water and that they are getting enough food. Our cows also calve out of the desert, so we have to check on them a lot to make sure that they don't have trouble calving. Fun huh!!

At the farm

Kade and Roxy

My cute cowboys (too bad I can't take a good picture)


Headed through the River (for the 13th time)


Anonymous said...

You are such a cute cowgirl!!! and you are raising two pretty cute Cowgirls!

Unknown said...

Looks like it was fun. Your boys are cute.

Farley's Story said...

You are a true cowgirl! Looks like you had tons of fun. What a great way to spend with family making memories.

AngiDe said...

Whoa! That is so cool! do you take the boys with you? Is it like a 6 hour horse ride trip there AND back?!?!
What a wonderful chance to reflect and think about your dad.

Behling Family said...

You are such a trooper, There is no way I would even think about doing that. Your boys are so cute. I just want to squeeze them.

Shawn and Jessie said...

Jana I love the fall also. I think it's great that you guys are taking care of the farm and cows. Your dad would be proud. I didn't get to go on the cattle drive this year with Shawn's family and I was sad I missed the chance to ride my horse.

The Bunnell's said...

What cute little cowboys you have! What a great way to make memories for them! I love their halloween costumes, you can tell they have such big personalities. I love your background!

Natasha said...

I seriously remember you doing this when we lived together. You talked about it all the time. I have to confess (if you won't tell Jeff) that it makes me cold and tired just thinking about it. Your boys are such troopers!

Mindy said...

Such cute pictures! You are a champ with all that manual labor you do!

Bre.Sean.Blake said...

How cute! (As a side note, please send your e-mail to so I can add you to our blog)

The Cox Family said...

Glad you were able to ride this year. Love those two little cowboys!