Seven Random facts about myself!
#1 Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
#2Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and leave a comment on their blogs.
#3 Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
#1. The first random fact about me is that I rode a horse before I was able to walk. I have been riding horses since I was a baby. I remember when I was 3 years old, my dad put me in riding club on my horse named Dolly. Every morning in the summer, I would get up with my sisters and go to riding club.
My dad made all of us girls get up at 6:00am every Saturday to go and move cows on our horses whether it was on the Mountain or the Desert, whether is was 110 degrees or -10 degrees. We worked our guts out, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
#2. The next random fact about me is that I have been on every road and trail on the Manti LaSal National Forest. I spent 7 summers working for the Forest Service doing everything from trail maintenance, to trail patrol. I usually worked by myself on my 4-wheeler which was awesome. One summer, I signed and maintained over 400 miles of trail on the new Arapeen Trail System. My boss was so impressed that he gave me a huge bonus at the end of the season for a job well done.
#3. Another random fact about me is that at Utah State I was the Health Education Association president and I was also the President of the Professional in Health Honors Society.
#4. A funny random fact about me is that Kyle and I made out all night long in our friends cabin while all of our friends were upstairs sleeping, before we ever went out on a date.
#5. I love riding 4-wheelers, especially in the mud. Most of my family members will not ride on the same 4-wheeler as me because I make sure to go as fast as possible....and I don't miss a single mud puddle.
#6. While as Utah State I participated in a study about women and weight lifting and I ended up lifting 900 lbs with my legs on the sleight machine. I thought that I was wonder woman.
#7. In high school, my friends and I would go around town looking for dead skunks (or any other road kill), we would tie a piece of twine string around its neck and then fling it in peoples yards that we didn't like. (Lynae, your brother-in-law was an accomplice) One time we tied the dead skunk to the muffler of this girls car. It was awesome!!
And now I tag (okay this is not 7, but its all I know): Mindy, Natasha, Lauren, Christel. Have Fun!!!
I did mine, it was kind of hard trying to think of things. By the way, I LOVE the picture of Tyce's (I'm assuming) little feet! So cute!
Oh fun...but I am kinda slow and dont know how to do it!
So funny Jana, I can picture you and jeff out there flinging dead animals into people yards...I just think it is gross that you guys would touch them enough to get a rope around their necks...sick. Why was making out so much fun when we were not I am teasing it is still fun, just different. Wow TMI just post 7 random or weird things about you on your blog. Thats it! It will be fun to find out some fun things about you.
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