Sunday, March 22, 2009

Picnic out on the Desert

To my family, Stake Conference means " church!" It has been that way as long as I can remember. So because we "didn't have church", we went out on the desert for a picnic. Even though the wind blew the entire time, it was still so much fun. Kade loved climbing the rocks and playing with his dump truck and Tyce loved the food (he can out eat any of us). It started to get cold so we had to come home, but being out there made me way excited for Easter.
Kade and Chase
Kade, Colton, and Chase

Kade and Tyce
Tyce is so brave
What a cutie pie

Okay, now for a crazy story:
Yesterday while we were playing outside, Tyce went over to the swings wanting me to push him. Well before I could get to him, he pushed the swing and it came back and knocked him in the mouth. Well, his mouth started to bleed REALLY bad so I ran him in the house to get him cleaned up. As I was looking for the wound, I noticed that he only had 3 teeth on the top and 4 on the bottom. I though to myself......there is no way that the swing could have knocked out his tooth, so I looked again. Sure enough....he was missing a tooth. I thought that maybe he swallowed it with all of the blood, but I decided to go and check the sand box just in case. Sticking out of the sand was his entire tooth. I ran it in the house, stuck it in milk, and called the local dentist (thank goodness everyone knows each other here because this was Saturday night). He said that he could probably save the tooth if we hurried. So I threw Tyce in the car and we went to the dentist office. To make a long story short, we couldn't save the tooth. Now Tyce walks around looking like quite the redneck.....and he will look like that until he gets his permanent teeth when he's like 8!!


Brett and Chanel Giles Family said...

Sounds like a great time! When doesn't the wind blow in E.C. right? sadly it blows just as much here. I can't believe that about his tooth, how sad.

Grant and Candice said...

I am so excited you have a blog! Your boys are too cute, and I love their names. I actually live in Magna, weird huh? I have lived her for almost 7 years and I love it. I do miss Manti though. Some people from Ferron just moved into our ward. Small world.

Mindy said...

Poor baby! Thats so crazy! I have the same motto about stake conference as you.

Grant and Candice said...

How do you know the Fuentes'? Anthony is one of my brothers best friends.

The Cox Family said...

I honestly can't believe that Tyce lost a tooth! That is crazy.
I totally agree with you on Stake Conference. I chase Cam around the entire time and don't get anything out!

Brandy Anderson said...

I just found your blog. Your boys are so adorable. Sorry about the tooth. What a story he'll to tell when he grows up.

Brett and Chanel Giles Family said...

Hey I made my blog private but i didn't have an email address for you so if you want email me at I love getting your comments!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck about his sad!!! That is crazy that the swing would have knocked it out like that!!!
Don't you wish the weather was nice is so freezing...looks like you had a nice guys are full of fun!!!

things we love... said...

So sad about his tooth!!!! I am laughing so hard..."Stake Conference means no church"!!!! Don't we all feel that way! Just wait until they ask you to speak in it, hahaha!!!