Thursday, July 3, 2008

Can you believe it!

Jasa has been talking about cutting her hair short for a really long time. It never crossed my mind to cut my hair short until I went to a scrapbook party and saw all of the girls with their cute hair cuts. I called Jasa on the phone and told her that we should get it done together. Next thing I know we have an appointment for the very next day. My hair has never been this short....ever! You can't tell by the picture, but the back is shorter than the front.....what do you all think??


Mindy said...

Jana!! I never ever thought I would ever see you with short hair! You look soo cute! Doesn't it feel so much better for summer! They just dont make sisters as cute as you two!!

Anthony and Christel said...

I love it! I have been thinking about cutting my hair too, but I'm too scared. Remember when I cut it off in college? I'm not so sure that was a good move on my part. :)

Natasha said...

I LOVE it! But you could say I am partial to short hair. I just think short hair always looks like it's done...which is actually one of the downsides - no such thing as sticking it up in a pony tail when it's short. You have to do it every single day, which can get old. However, the pros outweigh the cons and you look so cute! What does Kyle think?

Anonymous said...

I love the hair...I was so excited that you jumped on the short hair banwagon. it is so nice for summer.