Wow! So much has happened since my last post. Kyle started his vacation so we have been enjoying every minute of it. Here are some pictures...I will explain them as we go:
Kade has now started to use the kitchen chairs to get WHEREVER he wants. The other night Kyle and I were downstairs watching T.V. and it got really quiet. I went upstairs to check to see if Kade was okay and this is what I found:
These are pictures of our niece Sammy's birthday party. The party was a swimming party and everyone had fun (especially Kyle). Isn't Kyle sexy without his shirt on...yum!
Kyle and I decided that it would be fun to get Kade a bunny to take care of. Kyle looked around and found some free bunnies in Price. I sent Kyle into the house to get the bunnies and he came out with 6 on them. I could have killed him. Luckily my sister Jasa took 2 so we are down to 4. Kade loves to chase the bunnies around the yard. Tyce likes to watch them too. It is funny to watch Kade pick them up because he is not really careful!
When summer rolls around it means camping and our family does a lot of it. This weekend we went camping up Ferron Mtn to Willow Lake. The weather was perfect and the fishing was fun. I didn't want to come home! Thank goodness we are going again for the 4th.
Ok Jana, that first picture of Kade naked with his helmet on is pretty much my favorite picture ever! I was laughing so hard! He is so dang adorable. You gotta love boys! I am glad that you guys are having a great summer. Fun times!
Okay that little Kade is too funny! So cite!! Im glad you guys get to enjoy your time off together. Those bunnies look fun! Just not at my house!
I say it all the time, but I love that little Kade boy! He is so sweet. Summer is so busy and so fun...gotta love it! Hey we do helper pool every Monday, you should come and join us...kade would love it!
I think I am going to plan on doing those books maybe the first part of August...let the Crazy month of July pass does that sound?
I think I am also going to do a scrapbook night once a month...are you interested in something like that?
Ok I am still laughing outloud at your comment about Kyle with his shirt off just because I can totally hear you AND see your face when you say, "Yum!" So funny! Your little Kade is so grown up for his age! I love the picture of your family laying on the blanket. Fun memories.
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