Branding Calves is one of my favorite times of the year. I love spending the whole day on the farm getting the cows branded, de-horned, castrated, and ear tagged. I know this might sound gross...but I also love the smell of the hair burning when we brand.
This year it was just me and Kyle branding, so it was a lot of work. Kyle and I had quite the system down...I ran the shoot while Kyle ran the calf in, then Kyle made the bull calves steers while I put in the ear tag. Finally, Kyle branded while I held down the calf's leg. It was so much fun. Now our cows are ready for the Mountain.
Ok, dehorning or whatever you called it sounds so painful! Hey Jana, there is someone in my ward who knows you. Her husband is from Castle Dale too. I can't remember his first name, but her name is Mindy Dye. It was kind of funny finding that out.
Yeah, I know her. Her husbands name is Tyson. She is really nice.
All I have to say it is good thing you like the smell of burning hair. If you didn't, maybe you wouldn't like this time of year. I can't stand the smell. You are awesome to brand with just the two of you. If you ever need help, gives us a call.
I always knew you were a cowgirl but I didn't realize you were a real live rancher from way back. I love your slide show - especially the one of the castration! Ok, my favorites are actually of the kids. Very cool tradition.
Very impressive you two! I am very proud of you guys that you were able to get all of that done with the two of you. Jana you are my hero, (even if you like the smell of burning hair)!
You are a true Cowgirl Jana...I love your sweet outlook on life. You are a good example to me.
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