Friday, October 22, 2010

It's ours...

The farm officially belongs to Kyle and I and I couldn't be happier. I love the farm and all of the work that comes with it. I know that there will be tough times, but I am excited that my boys will be able to learn the value of hard work, the same value I learned growing up on the farm. Each day when we are at the farm feeding the cows or horses, I smile because it brings me so close to my dad. The farm will always be grandpa Jay's and each time I am there I am reminded of a great memory of him. I hope that we make him proud!
The calves have been sold (for a great price by the way) and all the cows are off the mountain. We had 100% calf crop and now we just need to preg check, trich test the bull, buy 12 more cows, a swather, and finally in 2 weeks....push the cows out to the desert. Fun Fun Fun!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Wait, wait, wait. You mean it was your mom's before, and now it is officially yours? You own the farm (and have to pay the taxes??) Very cool! Fill in the details!