Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Kader Potater!

Kade turned 6 yesterday and boy did we celebrate!  This lucky 6 year old got to have 2 parties this year...and they were both a success!
This is the invitation to his friend party.  Kade is a quite the Yankee's fan so we had to go all out and have a Yankee's themed birthday party.

There were 19 kindergarten kids at the party so it was a little bit chaotic, but the kids had a blast.

Kade's cake turned out great! Look at that cute kid!

Kade's 2nd party was a little later that night at the swimming pool.  This party was for all cousins.  We ate cake, opened presents, and then headed into the pool for a fun time. 
Grandma Jo and Jodi
Jess and Kyle

 The day flew by so fast and I was completely wore out by the time all of the parties were over.  Kade said that it was the best birthday ever, so I guess it was worth it.
Happy Birthday Kader!  I love you so much! 

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Lucky little guy! Looks like he had a great birthday!