Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Boys Boys Boys!!!

Little Jess sure keeps me busy. He has the cutest little smile and his big teeth crack me up. He can say anything and thinks he is pretty tough with his bright orange cast on. He loves his brothers so much and can wrestle them right to the ground.
Kade is in the final stretch of kindergarten and is doing very well. He is a fantastic reader and he rocks at math. He loves school so much and thinks that homework is the greatest thing ever. Last week Kade entered an art contest at school and won with his 3D rock necklace. He was so excited and was so cute out their winning his award. I was so proud of him. Here he is posing in front of the school with is awards.
Tyce is in preschool and is such a smarty pants. He can tell you all of the letters and their sounds and boy can he count. Tyce wears a cape or full out superhero costume everyday and has for the past few years. I keep thinking that he will grow out of this stage, but part of me hopes he never does. Here is Tyce at the desert the other day. He thought he was the coolest thing ever up on that rock with is cape blowing in the wind. Wrestling practice started the other day and right before practice, Kade decided to run around like a crazy person down the halls of the high school. Well lets just say that one of the walls jumped out and smacked him in the face. He had a black eye and bruised cheek for the whole week. Its pretty bad that we went to wrestling and got hurt in the hallway before it even started. If you all remember right, this isn't the first time Kade has ran smack into a wall.....remember the stitches he had down his forehead from running into the wall at church....I think he better start paying attention.
These boys are defiantly giving me a run for my money. I didn't have any brothers so these boys are throwing me for a loop. Every day I wonder if I am going to have to make a trip to the ER. Every day I walk into their bathroom and think "REALLY it's THAT hard to aim." Everyday I think my grocery bill is HOW MUCH? And everyday I thank my heavenly father for making me the happiest mom in the world!


Natasha said...

Love every minute of this post. Love that there was no ER visit this time around. Love that you love your boys so much.

The Cox Family said...

You seriously have the cutest little boys! Boys definitely keep you busy but are a ton of fun!!