Monday, August 1, 2011

Joes Valley,Rodeo, Grandpa's B-day, Riding Bikes

My Grandpa Hansen is seriously one of the greatest people I know and I just love him to death. He is so much fun to be around and he adores my boys. For my grandpa's 83rd birthday we had a little get together at my moms and it turned out great. Almost everyone was there so we all got together for a big family photo. Here are all of my Grandpa Hansen's grandkids. Pretty fun crowd!

While us adults enjoyed a yummy dinner, the kids had a ball swimming in the pool and racing on the slip and slide. Jess didn't love the water, but loved the attention he was getting. Isn't he so dang cute?

Kade and Tyce having a little race

My boys are quite the little bike riders. Kade rides his bike EVERYWHERE. He is so good on it and he impresses me everyday. There other day we went up to the bike jumps for a little fun.

About 3 months ago Tyce decided on his own to ditch the training wheels. He got on his bike and took off without any help. May I remind you that he is 3 and now rides the bike tracks and does tricks at the elementary on his bike. He is so awesome!

Going to the rodeo means so much more to me than just a few hours of entertainment. The rodeo is magical to me. It brings back so many memories of my dad up in that announcers stand or imagining him riding one of those crazy mean bulls.... it makes me smile. My dad was home at the rodeo and that is kind of the way I feel.

Here are me and my cowboys at the Desertview Pro Rodeo

Playing in the water is a must for my boys. Today we drove by this river and had to go and jump in. We didn't have much time so are are so going back tomorrow for a full on dip.

This is a cute picture of Kade, Abby, and Tyce when we went to Joes Valley to play around. It was such a cool little tree...and it made a cute pic.


Natasha said...

While I know your life must not be perfect, every time I read your blog, I feel like you are living exactly the life you always wanted to live. I'm so deserve it. Cute boys. Keep your eye on those dare devils!

AngiDe said...

We got a water slide too and my girls LOVE it! And can I just say that your youngest is such a cutie!!

The Cox Family said...

It was fun to see an updated picture of your entire family! It wouldn't be a real summer if you didn't have rodeos, parades, fishing, and swimming. You couldn't pay me to live in a big city and miss out on all the fun festivities! I am glad that you guys are having a great summer and that Jess is feeling better!