Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dance Review, Soccer, and Swimming

I signed Kade and Tyce up in a little boys hip hop class in January and they have LOVED it. Well this Friday was their final show and they were SO dang cute. I was so proud of my handsome little fellas.
Kade has been also busy with soccer. He is such a good little player even though he is the smallest one on the team.

Finally, with it being warm outside, I have let the boys swim in Kade's new little swimming pool. Kade was cracking me up with his goggles and roo's.......who needs a swim suit anyways!!

My little Jess is getting so big. He is crawling around now and is loving being able to explore. He is the cutest little guy ever and I can't get enough of his cute little sun burnt cheeks!


The Cox Family said...

Jana you are the best little blogger! I am so impressed how well you keep your blog updated! Looks like you all have been quite busy and having a ton of fun. Great job on Kade's cake and I am so jealous you all went to Disneyland. Cam is just dying to go! Love all of your pictures!

Natasha said...

Pahaha! I am in love with Kaders in his googles. I think that on my list of top pics ever seen. I love reading your blog. You are such a cute mom and I adore how you are all about making memories when it comes to your boys. Way to go. Miss you!

Mindy said...

All three of them are just too too cute! I love it that they took a hip hop class!