You get to paint Easter Eggs. I love painting Easter Eggs. I always boil a ton so that there is enough for me to color some too. The boys also had a blast painting their eggs. Kade made his into monsters and Tyce was thrilled with his superman egg.
The Easter Egg Hunt's this year were also fun. The first one we went to was at the local grocery store (can I just say AWESOME!!!). The kids all came home with bug juice, string cheese, donuts, rubber band bracelets, soda's, and tons of other fun things. It was a hit. The next one was at the city park. We got to take our picture with EB himself.....the hunt was well.....ok.
Chase, Kade, and Tyce ready for the BIG hunt
On Thursday we headed out on the desert for our annual Easter camping trip. In all my 28 years, I have never not camped for Easter. The best part about camping is that my kids play and play and play until they are exhausted. Here are Kyle and Tyce gearing up for a 4-wheeler ride.
Jess was also a great sport. He is a great little camper (a very handsome one as well).
We played a really fun game of baseball. Kade is becoming quite the little athlete (he gets it from his mom...... J/K)
The Easter Bunny always finds us out on the desert and this year he brought Kade and Tyce a basket full of fun things like this little paintball gun.
The EB also did a great job hiding their eggs, here we are at 7:00am looking for them.
Jess did a great job hunting for eggs too
Here are my cute little boys posing with their Easter baskets. They were so excited. Tyce said that he saw the Easter Bunny come into our trailer and leave treats (he is always full of stories).
For our ride this Easter, we drove down to "The Jump". Each year we take a drive somewhere cool....thankgoodness it wasn't the dinosaur quarry again.
Our next camping adventure was another Easter Egg hunt. When we were all through finding eggs, Tyce sat himself down in this little spot and "had a picnic". We weren't even close to camp, but he wasn't about to move from his special little spot. He cracks me up. (EB did not give him those shades, it was a treasure that he found on his hunt)