Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

What a great Easter!

Easter is definitely my FAVORITE holiday and here is why:

I love painting Easter Eggs and so did Kade and Tyce. Kade needed all of his eggs to look very manly...NO PINK! And Tyce just liked to plot them in the dye to see the splash. They turned out great!

I have camped for Easter every year of my entire life, so why break tradition. This year we camped out by the dinosaur quarry is a great spot. The kids played and played all day long. This is a picture of Kade holding a lizards tale that they boys had cut off. They thought that is was SO cool.
We also have a little Egg hunt out on the desert. Here is Kade looking in the rocks for some eggs.

The kids had to have their very own camp fire this year. So they built it up in the rocks all by themselves.
The Easter bunny made a stop by our trailer this year and the kids loaded up with goodies. Tyce loved his monster truck the best.
Kade got some killer new shades and some new baseball equipment for T-ball.
The Easter bunny also hid the boys' Easter eggs, so here we are bright and early searching for all of our eggs.
The weather was perfect for flying our new kites. The wind blew and blew.
Here is Tylee and Kade trying out Kade's new baseball bat
After we find all of our Easter Eggs, we took them over to a hill to roll (or throw) them. The kids loved watching their eggs splatter down the rocks.

Finally we made a stop at the dinosaur quarry (wahoo....not really).
We also had a great time riding our 4-wheelers. Next year maybe Kade will be riding his very own motorcycle.....we'll see.

Even thought is was a little cold, we still had a great Easter. I always hate packing up and coming home because I hate for it to end. Happy Easter everyone....I hope that you had as much fun as we did!


The Bunnell's said...

I love Easter too! It means that warm weather is coming(we hope) :) It looks like you guys had a great time. I wish that we could have gone camping.

Jamie said...

We had tons of fun! None of us wanted to go home either. Easter is my favorite holiday too!

Mindy said...

So fun! What a great thing to do with all the eggs! I always end up throwing them away but smashing them would be so fun!

Farley's Story said...

I am glad to hear you had a fun time. The wind is always blowing on Easter, so at least we can have fun in spite of the wind. The kids have a good time, that is all that really matters, right.

Natasha said...

When I woke up to SNOW on Easter morning, I thought, "I bet Jana is camping" because I know that you a)always go camping on Easter and b) are the toughest chick I know. I was right. Looks like you had a blast.

The Cox Family said...

I also thought of you on Easter and wondered if it was snowing where you were camping as well. I am sure glad that all you had was wind though! Glad you guys had a nice Easter!