Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another trip to the ER

I am now officially paying the employee's at Castleview Hospital their salaries. We had to take another trip to the emergency room the other night....this time for Tyce. While hanging out in the truck, he managed to fall/jump off the back seat and slice his head open on the rail that moves your seat up and back. He had to have it stitched and stapled back together 3 stitches and 5 staples.

Althought the first thing he said when he woke up was "mom....I broke my head" he acts like there is not a care in the world. He is still out and about playing like a crazy man. I wish that I was that tough!
Here they are putting his head back together
He was really mad (and tired) after it was all said and done. But he was really brave.

Our new Larsen family goal is to stay out of the hospital for the next few months (not including Kyle's back surgery in the next few weeks). Wish us luck!


Farley's Story said...

Just think, in a few months months you will have another boy to keep out of trouble. Boys are tons of fun. Glad everything went well.

The Bunnell's said...

The poor little guy. I am so glad to hear that he is ok. Good luck keeping them "ouch" free :)

The Cox Family said...

You guys seriously deserve an ER room with your name on it! Heck, I am sure that you have paid for it by now. All I can say is that you sure have tough little boys!

Leslie said...

Wow between 2 ER visits, back surgery and a new baby you are going to be paying the hospital an arm and a leg. Maybe you should look into the 'frequent flyer' program ;)

AngiDe said...

You definitely have some real boys on your hands ;0) Always into things and completely accident prone.
Hope he feels better soon!
