Friday, April 4, 2008

Great News!!

Every year at the Emery County Fair, we have a huge (and free) outdoor concert. While I was reading the Emery County Progress, I read across some GREAT news. Western Underground will be performing this year. If you don't know who that is.....well it is none other that Chris Ledoux's band. Chris Ledoux is my all time favorite singer in the whole world! I am so excited for them to come to our fair. Even though Chris Ledoux has passed on, I know that they will pay great tribute to him. If you want to catch a great concert, It will be on August 2nd. Hey you can spend the night and come and watch me carry a flag on my horse in the Castle Valley that is a rush. Emery County has a lot to offer!! HE HE!!!


Natasha said...

Hooray! I am pretty sure you are Chris Ledoux's #1 fan. I remember when he died all I could think of was you being in mourning (since you were going to marry his son, right?? hehe) Glad you'll get to hear his band!

The Cox Family said...

Remember when we went to his concert back in the day? Fun times! I am sure it will be such a great show.