Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We're having a..........

BOY! Yep another boy. I was for sure that this baby was a girl, but sure enough the ultrasound proved me wrong. We are so excited and Kade and Tyce can't wait to meet their new baby brother.


Farley's Story said...

That is awesome. In my experience, boys are 20x's easier than girls. You have nieces to make up for the girls. Good luck with everything.

The Cox Family said...

Another little cowboy! How fun! Kade and Tyce will be great older brothers!

Jamie said...

3 X the emergency room visits, 3 X cleaning around the toilet bowl, 3 X the FUN! I am excited for you! Boy or girl, it doesn't matter--its great all the way around!

Mistie said...


The O'Neils said...

Oh congrats! I'm excited for you!

The Bunnell's said...

Congratulations! He will be another handsome little cowboy :) I hope that you are feeling good.

AngiDe said...

It's raining men! Hallejuah it's raining men... or little boys!

CONGRAT'S!!! So happy for you and can't wait to see pics of your prego self... hint hint!

PS not sure I spelled Hallejuah right ;)


Mindy said...

Im so excited for you! Whens little Mr. due?