Wednesday, April 28, 2010


You can definitely tell that it is spring time because we have done nothing but work! With Kyle having surgery in a couple of weeks, our "to do" list has gotta quite large.

Here is what we have been working on:

#1. Getting the pipe laid out at the farm.
With water coming next week, we have been extra busy getting the pipe laid out and ready for irrigating. Kyle and I work really well together....we have quite the system.
Kade and Tyce LOVE it when we move pipe because that means that they get to ride it as I move it with the 4-wheeler. It is really funny watching them get bucked off the pipe.

#2. Plowing and laying off the field.
This is more of Kyle's job, so while he worked on the tractor, me and the kids looked for worms, played on the rope, played on the tire swing, and had a hotdog roast.
#3. Putting in a new fence at our house.
I have wanted a new vinyl fence at my house since I moved there. This year we finally had the money to put one in. Putting in a fence is A LOT of work. We have spent hours and hours on this fence. Again, Kyle and I had a great system but it was always nice to have some help. Thanks to EVERYONE who came over to help!! We REALLY appreciate it.

I am sure tomorrow awaits with more work! Gotta love spring!


Anthony and Christel said...

I just love your family guys are teaching your boys to work hard..good for you! :)

AngiDe said...

I love that your oldest is running around EVEN with that cast on his foot :0)


The Bunnell's said...

Busy Busy Bees! When you are all done you all deserve a nice little vacation. I love the boys riding the pipes, they are so cute and I am sure that they are "great" help :)

Mindy said...

Oh that fence is going to be soooo cute! Looks like lots of work!