Wednesday, April 28, 2010


You can definitely tell that it is spring time because we have done nothing but work! With Kyle having surgery in a couple of weeks, our "to do" list has gotta quite large.

Here is what we have been working on:

#1. Getting the pipe laid out at the farm.
With water coming next week, we have been extra busy getting the pipe laid out and ready for irrigating. Kyle and I work really well together....we have quite the system.
Kade and Tyce LOVE it when we move pipe because that means that they get to ride it as I move it with the 4-wheeler. It is really funny watching them get bucked off the pipe.

#2. Plowing and laying off the field.
This is more of Kyle's job, so while he worked on the tractor, me and the kids looked for worms, played on the rope, played on the tire swing, and had a hotdog roast.
#3. Putting in a new fence at our house.
I have wanted a new vinyl fence at my house since I moved there. This year we finally had the money to put one in. Putting in a fence is A LOT of work. We have spent hours and hours on this fence. Again, Kyle and I had a great system but it was always nice to have some help. Thanks to EVERYONE who came over to help!! We REALLY appreciate it.

I am sure tomorrow awaits with more work! Gotta love spring!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another trip to the ER

I am now officially paying the employee's at Castleview Hospital their salaries. We had to take another trip to the emergency room the other night....this time for Tyce. While hanging out in the truck, he managed to fall/jump off the back seat and slice his head open on the rail that moves your seat up and back. He had to have it stitched and stapled back together 3 stitches and 5 staples.

Althought the first thing he said when he woke up was "mom....I broke my head" he acts like there is not a care in the world. He is still out and about playing like a crazy man. I wish that I was that tough!
Here they are putting his head back together
He was really mad (and tired) after it was all said and done. But he was really brave.

Our new Larsen family goal is to stay out of the hospital for the next few months (not including Kyle's back surgery in the next few weeks). Wish us luck!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We're having a..........

BOY! Yep another boy. I was for sure that this baby was a girl, but sure enough the ultrasound proved me wrong. We are so excited and Kade and Tyce can't wait to meet their new baby brother.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Broken?

Yep....Kade broke his leg. I guess that the stitches he had a few months ago just weren't enough for this kid.
On Monday Kade went to Tylee and Kelsey's to play and while playing the shoe game on the tramp, he tripped on his boot and cracked his tibia. He now has a cast from the top of his thigh all the way to his toes. I hope we all survive the next three weeks!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

What a great Easter!

Easter is definitely my FAVORITE holiday and here is why:

I love painting Easter Eggs and so did Kade and Tyce. Kade needed all of his eggs to look very manly...NO PINK! And Tyce just liked to plot them in the dye to see the splash. They turned out great!

I have camped for Easter every year of my entire life, so why break tradition. This year we camped out by the dinosaur quarry is a great spot. The kids played and played all day long. This is a picture of Kade holding a lizards tale that they boys had cut off. They thought that is was SO cool.
We also have a little Egg hunt out on the desert. Here is Kade looking in the rocks for some eggs.

The kids had to have their very own camp fire this year. So they built it up in the rocks all by themselves.
The Easter bunny made a stop by our trailer this year and the kids loaded up with goodies. Tyce loved his monster truck the best.
Kade got some killer new shades and some new baseball equipment for T-ball.
The Easter bunny also hid the boys' Easter eggs, so here we are bright and early searching for all of our eggs.
The weather was perfect for flying our new kites. The wind blew and blew.
Here is Tylee and Kade trying out Kade's new baseball bat
After we find all of our Easter Eggs, we took them over to a hill to roll (or throw) them. The kids loved watching their eggs splatter down the rocks.

Finally we made a stop at the dinosaur quarry (wahoo....not really).
We also had a great time riding our 4-wheelers. Next year maybe Kade will be riding his very own motorcycle.....we'll see.

Even thought is was a little cold, we still had a great Easter. I always hate packing up and coming home because I hate for it to end. Happy Easter everyone....I hope that you had as much fun as we did!